Take a look at behind the scenes of a day in the life of an ice cream lady!

Starting a business is hard.....

Starting a business is hard.  Growing a business is even harder.  Owning an ice cream business is very fun and rewarding, but also very stressful and overwhelming.  People often ask what my job consists of thinking that a 'day in the life' is inclusive of eating dessert and sending a few emails.  While there is lots of that involved....there is also a whole lot more to it so I decided to share a little more behind the scenes.

Every day is different.  Every week is different.  Every season is different.  And no matter how hard I try to plan in advance, prepare for the unknown, things never go as planned.  Sometimes more planning is better and sometimes less planning is better.  Moral of the story.....you need to always be on your toes, always be ready to adapt and most importantly.....get comfortable being uncomfortable.  It will truly never get easier, you will just get better at handling it.

One thing that I have been very proud of since the day that I started this business 6 years is not being afraid to try something, fail, and then try again. I have bootstrapped most of this business, worn more hats and done more jobs than I previously even knew existed and created / followed what I like to call the DIY Business Model.  Don't hire out...take the time to learn the job yourself first.  You will thank yourself later. 

My goal is to share the real highs and lows of entrepreneurship and also some small biz tricks that I have learned along the way.  If I can manage to inspire just one person to take the leap to chase after their dreams.....then this will all be worth it!

Follow along the upcoming weeks as we give you the inside scoop of running an VERY seasonal ice cream business.  The off season consists of organizing, rebranding, budgeting, learning new things and trying to get as creative as possible to not only stay afloat throughout the winter but also to make next season as best as it possibly can be.

For even more of a behind the scenes look into a 'day in the life' looks like, check out our Instagram @creamcruiser and my personal Instagram @kobrien302.

- Katherine 



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